Our Disease Areas
Aesthetic, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery

Aesthetic, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery is a surgical treatment dedicated to the correction of facial and body abnormalities aesthetically, functionally and morphologically. These abnormalities can be caused by congenital/acquired malformations, infections, traumatic injury, tumors, burns, lesions, disease, or aging.
The main goal of this type of surgery is to improve body function while creating a more normal appearance and improve people’s self-esteem.
Amongst the most common complications associated with plastic surgery, are Infection and difficulty in Wound Healing. Our solutions mitigate these potential complications by preventing/controlling infection and enhancing wound healing and tissue regeneration.
Our applications in this field:
– Burns
– Pre/Post Surgical Asepsis
– Surgical Wound Care
– Aesthetic Procedures
– Reconstructive Surgery
Gynaecology, Obstetrics & Neonatology

Gynaecology & Obstetrics is a branch of medicine that specializes in the care of women during pregnancy and childbirth and in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the female reproductive organs. It also specializes in other women’s health issues, such as menopause, hormone problems, contraception (birth control), and infertility.
Neonatology is a branch of medicine concerned with the care, development and diseases of newborn infants.
Our applications in Gynaecology & Obstetrics:
– Infection Prevention
– Vaginal Infections
– Caesarian Section Procedures
Our applications in Neonatology:
– Neonate Infection Prevention Protocol
– Catheter Insertion in Neonates
Infection Prevention & Control

Prevention plays a pivotal role in Healthcare. In a globalized world with the fast-paced move of people across continents, microorganisms travel along invisibly and unrecognized posing risks that should not be underestimated. Preventing infection should always be the primary target – it is much easier to prevent infection than fighting it when it has already taken hold. Our solutions protect people from infections and materials from contamination, providing a wide range of applications.
Hands are the most versatile tool in the world and the most important for humans. Despite all modern technologies, the hand is in constant use in the hospital routine and in permanent contact with equipment and patients. Those who are in constant contact with equipment and patients, demand maximum antiseptic protection and at the same time care for their skin.
Handwashing – Hand washing is a common process that meets our cleaning needs. Our products ensure good hand cleaning to use throughout the day for when hands are visibly dirty and before hand disinfection
Hand Disinfection – In 80% of cases, hospital infections are transmitted by hands. Hand disinfection is therefore an important preventive measure.
Antisepsis – Antiseptics are the most complex and probably the most important area of hygiene. Antiseptics protect damaged skin and mucous membrane from infections by eliminating all microorganisms and pathogens. The innovative molecule – octenidine – allows for a new generation antisepsis, without cytotoxicity, preventing infection, or if an infection already exists, it acts in the context of treatment.
Skin Care – The skin hygiene routine requires products that are specially formulated for correct hygiene, but at the same time protecting and moisturizing damaged skin while preserving its natural hydration.
MRDOs – Multi-Drug Resistant Organisms

Staphylococci are still the most common cause of infections in hospitals or outpatient clinics, and include methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Over the last decade, MRSA have increased dramatically worldwide. In the USA, on average 40% of all isolated S. aureus strains in hospitals are methicillin-resistant, and in intensive care units the level is as high as 52%. Unfortunately, recent epidemiological data indicate a clear upward trend in the isolation rate in recent years.
MRDOs – Multi-Drug Resistant Organisms
This situation continues to confront responsible hospital personnel with great challenges, not least because the public is informed better and sooner due to increased media coverage. This trend is now prompting political decision-makers to address the issue of MRSA. In cases involving infection with resistant pathogens, isolation and hygiene measures are codable in the DRG (diagnosis related groups) system. Since 2009, there has been a statutory duty to report positive MRSA findings in blood and cerebrospinal fluid.
Although the general conditions are gradually improving, there is still a great need for discussion and study on the subject of MRSA. Many individual factors, such as the optimal approach in “admission” screening for MRSA, the duration and type of MRSA decontamination, the special procedures for dealing with MRSA in neonatology and intensive care units and the question of medical staff screening still urgently require further study to establish and implement the necessary standards.
An important role in this connection is played by the highly effective and well tolerated decontamination products containing the active substance octenidine hydrochloride, which could well play a key role in future, especially in view of the continuing marked increase in the development of resistance to other antimicrobial substances (e.g. Triclosan) or antibiotics. Naturally, rigorous hand hygiene is equally important, especially in daily activities on the ward. A direct correlation between the use of hand disinfectants and the MRSA rate in hospitals has meanwhile been demonstrated by several well designed studies.
Pre/Post Surgical Asepsis

Postsurgical wound infections are a common complication in surgical interventions. Not only do they lead to increased mortality and prolonged hospitalisation, they also result in enormous costs for the health care system.
According to estimates, postsurgical wound infections cause annual costs of up to 3 billion euros in the German health care system. Postsurgical wound infections have therefore increasingly become the focus of public attention. The keyword “patient safety” has in particular become the focus of postsurgical wound infections in orthopaedics.
Due to the increasing number of people with hip and knee endoprostheses worldwide, implantation of artificial joints is already considered a routine procedure. Although the SSI (Surgical Site Infection) rates after this type of procedure are relatively low, their increasing frequency also increases the economic and health effects.
Postsurgical wound infection rate is 0.5% for knee endoprostheses and between 1% and 3% for hip endoprostheses. SSI are the number one cause of revision operations following knee replacement surgery and the third most common cause following hip replacement. This can result in a doubling or tripling of the hospital stay, for example after a hip replacement. A stay of up to 28 days causes therefore significantly higher costs.
Patients with postsurgical wound infections following knee replacement surgery are also hospitalised significantly longer than uninfected patients (up to 24 days). The average cost of treating an infected patient is $116,000, compared to $28,000 for a patient free of infection.
Left untreated, a SSI can penetrate deep into the joint and develop into a far more serious – and costly – periprosthetic joint infection. In the US, preoperative patient decontamination prior to knee surgery could save between $0.8 and $2.3 billion annually. Early preventive measures are therefore strongly recommended.
Wound Care Management

“Time heals all wounds”, or so the saying goes. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Proper wound treatment can be a very complex, time-consuming and costly task. Identifying the type of wound is the starting point for establishing a clear and personalised treatment regimen.
Many types of wounds can be divided according to their origin, depth and extent, but also according to the duration until complete closure, which often fundamentally differ from one another in terms of therapy and healing process. A common and useful classification is the initial division into acute and chronic wounds.
Acute wounds
The quality of primary care of acute wounds is of crucial importance for the functional and aesthetic outcome. The aim is to support the wound healing process in its physiological course as best as possible.
Traumatic (or mechanical) wound
Traumatic wounds are caused by various, mostly external, sharp or blunt forces and trauma (pressure, tension or shear forces) on the tissue. They include accidental or occasional wounds as well as planned surgical wounds.
Thermal, chemical and radiation-induced wounds
• Thermal wounds are produced by exposure of tissue to heat or cold (burns/scalds/frostbite/injuries caused by electricity).
• Chemical wounds occur when the skin or mucous membranes are burned by acids or alkalis.
• Radiation-induced wounds can be caused by radioactive isotopes or ionizing radiation, such as those used in x-rays or radiation therapy. Sunburns caused by UV radiation also fall into this category.
Chronic wounds
Chronic wounds can develop from an acute wound at any time, e.g., due to an undetected persistent infection or inadequate primary care. In most cases, however, chronic wounds represent the last stage of progressive tissue destruction, triggered by existing underlying diseases (venous, arterial or metabolic vascular diseases), pressure injury (such as decubitus ulcers) or tumours.
Large experience in the management of Diabetic Foot Ulcers and prevention of amputations.
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